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PKMH Nail Care Rituals

Your nails, which are made up of layers of a protein called keratin, protect your fingers and toes. Keratin, which is also found in hair and skin cells, serves to protect nails from damage.

However, it is usual for nails to split, peel, or break. According to Harvard Medical School, brittle nails, also known as onychoschizia, affect 27 percent of women.

This could be due to an underlying medical issue or other external circumstances.

Continue reading to discover what causes brittle nails and what you can do to keep them healthy and strong.



Brittle nails fall into two categories dry and brittle and soft and brittle. Dry and brittle nails are the result of too less moisture in the nails and are commonly caused by constant washing and drying of fingernails. On the other hand, soft and brittle nails is caused due to too much moisture which is due to to over exposure of detergents house cleaners, and nail products like nail polish remover.

Other factors which makes nails brittle are age, iron deficiency, hypothyroidism, and Raynaud’s syndrome. With the growing age, the toenails become thicker and harder where as the fingernails become thinner and more brittle. Nails also become weak and brittle when your body doesn't Get enough iron. Low thyroid level also leads to brittle nails.



1. Moisturize your nails

Moisturising is a well-known secret to good skin, yet it is frequently disregarded when it comes to nail care. While dry, brittle nails can be caused by a variety of circumstances, they are ultimately a cry for moisture, therefore make sufficient hydration the cornerstone of your nail care routine. When applying hand lotion, pay special attention to your nails. There are numerous hydrating nail products on the market, but applying moisturiser is only half the battle—strong nails require more than a fancy cream or serum.

2. Leave your cuticles alone

Cuticles are commonly attempted to be removed entirely but cuticles are not the enemy. They act as a natural protective coat for the nails. Even if a nail technicians doing the work of tampering with your cuticles can cause far more harm than good and a damaged cuticle can expose the nails and put them at danger of infection. Cuticles incase dry or injured it can also injure your nail bed and lead to bad nailgrowth. Therefore in order to protect your cuticles start moisturizing the cuticles with cream or cuticle oil to help protect and strengthen your nails.

3. Avoid contact with water

We are not telling you to not do daily work like washing your hands or asking you Tushar with clubs on pay attention to your nails so that you can reduce its contact with a water because excessive water contact we can see your nail structure. Therefore you should not keep your hand in the water for long as it leads to brittleness peeling and breakage. Given soaking your nails for a long time during my meteor is also a bad practice and makes your name vulnerable to infections and also doesn't let's your nail polish last for a longer time.

4. Be gentle

The greatest nail care is being delicate to your nails and not digging simply under your nails. Individual speakers pick their nails with a pointed edge of a Nail File to get the dirt out but sometimes due to this it separates the nail plate from the underlying bed allowing a bacterial fungus infection to form. For the same reasons you should resist the temptation to utilise your nails as replacement tools no matter how easy it may be. All these factors cause nails and causes the peeling of layers of the nail.

5. Treat your nails as you treat your hair

It has become the new golden rule as hair and nails are both made up of Keratin proteins. It's the reason that many of the same treatment guidelines apply. Dehydration can damage both hair and nails. Frequent use of polish removal gels and acrylics have a similar effect on nails as dyes and chemicals and heat application has on hair. Hydration not only helps your hair with frizz and split ends but can also cure dry and brittle nails.

6. Harsh weather conditions

Winters are not only harsh on the skin and hair but also on nails. The cold and dry weather causes nails to become extremely brittle. The dramatic temperature changes from outside also causes damage to nails. Chilly weather can cause nail cells to contract and expand repetitively resulting in a weakening between the cells and breakage. The only good idea we can go for to protect our nails during winters are to wear gloves and moisturize our skin, hands and nails.

7. Rethink your products

Buy products which will actually help your nails become healthy instead of damaging and peeling them. Go for a crystal nail file. Use a non-acetone nail polish remover as it contains hydrating oils and nail ingredients as they moisturise your nails. Use a gentle nail brush to clean the dirt out.

8. Be patient when it comes to nail growth

If you are a chronic nail biter you know how satisfying it is to grow your nails past your fingertips. With practice and appropriate nail care your strong nails can lead to the growth of longer nails but it will be a bit time taking. If you suffer from brittle nails which are prone to frequent breakage it's always better to keep your nails short until they regain the strength and once they do they'll be able to grow longer and stronger.


This winter let's not be harsh on our nails and give them the proper care they always needed. Try these simple and effective tips and see your nails transform this season.

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Note: The recommendations mentioned in the article are generic in nature. Incase you‘d like a skin or a beauty related consultation, reach out to us on email.

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